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The article examines such issues as reducing production costs at enterprises, as well as determining the batch of purchased materials, optimal value, compliance with them, determining the production, series of products, value, solving the issue of manufacturing or purchasing components.
Article Details
Suyunov D. H. The main problems of corporate governance and ways to solve them //EPRA International Journal of Economic Growth and Environmental Issues (EGEI) ISSN. – С. 2321-6247.
Davletyarov M. A., Suyunov D., Kenjabaev A. T. DIgitalization of the economy: concepts, problems and implementation strategy //Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development. – 2023. – Т. 12. – С. 209-218.
Davletyarov M. A., Suyunov D., Kenjabaev A. T. state regulation of digital transformation of the economy / / American Journal of Business Administration, Economics and banking. – 2023. - T. 9. - S. 145-150.
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S D Kholmuradovich, K T Uzokovich. Ways for a leader to work on speech and improve speaking skills. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research 11, 29-32.
D X Suyunov, V R Kaytavov. Current issues of digitization of transformational processes in commercial banks. American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking 10, 38-45.